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(more than ever in pandemic times)
Mental matters is the name of a project we worked on in classes 4A and 4E, planned
as a learning landscape, offering activities based on Gardner’s theory of multiple
intelligences and hierarchizing cognitive skills according to Bloom’s taxonomy.
The project was proposed as an interdisciplinary activity between the Health Education
and English departments, with the following learning objectives:
• To understand the skills and strategies people can employ to enjoy good mental
• health, and the way these strategies can be developed.
• To understand that people with mental health conditions should not be
• stigmatised, that knowledge of these conditions helps understanding and
• contributes to removing stigmatisation.
• To understand that mental illnesses, like any other illness, can be treated and have
• good prognosis once they are diagnosed.
• To be aware of the epidemiological reality of the most common mental disorders in
• today’s society, understanding that these conditions affect people’s quality of life
• and even their life expectancy, and should be recognised and respected like any
• other illness, without ever being a reason for discrimination or exclusion.
• To understand the neurobiological mechanisms of mental disorders, in addition to
• their genetic, environmental and personal dimensions.
• To be aware of the characteristics of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, eating
• disorders, psychotic disorders and the problem of stress, their causes and risk
• factors, their symptomatic manifestation, possible psychotherapeutic treatments
• and preventive strategies.
• To understand that the strategies acquired at this important stage of adolescence,
• such as self-esteem, assertiveness, motivation, self-esteem, healthy relationships
• and the ability to communicate, are essential to prevent mental disorders.